Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Finals are Finally Here

Honestly, I have had such a blast in my classes this semester but honestly I am in need of a break, even if just for a week. I'm sure we are all excited because with life (work, kids, etc..) it becomes exhausting. Lately work has been trying, some days are extremely busy, some days are just long. Between that, school and things I have to do on a daily basis, I just feel exhausted and sometimes a bit overwhelmed. I cannot wait to take my last final tomorrow afternoon and walk out here like I'm gone forever. Haha. I am so excited, I even have my only day off next week planned :) I am going to wake up super early, get my hair done, my nails done and a massage and facial. I may even decide to treat myself to lunch and a movie or even a new outfit for a job well done. Sometimes, we all really need some me time and mine is much overdue. I am sure we have all done well and I hope all of you enjoy your time off as well.

Car Troubles

Oh boy, the title says it all. We have all been there, pretty much done that. Over the past few weeks my car has been acting up but of course, last week, on my way here my car decided that she wanted to just stop close to the mall. Ughh, luckily enough I live right next door so I sputtered home and waited. I'm still working on trying to get my car fixed. Hopefully I will have her back soon.

I am so lucky to have a great boyfriend, family and roomies to help me out while without a car or else my butt would be catching the bus and walking everywhere. I consider myself blessed because I remember being without a car before and it is such a hassle but people do it everyday so honestly having a car is a blessing because it absolutely a luxury and very convenient.

It's just frustrating relying on others because I hate feeling like a bother or like I am inconveniencing someone else but sometimes we all just need a helping hand.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wedding Bells

It is almost every girl's dream to get married one day and like most, I have been planning mine since I was like...yea, FIVE! Although a lot has changed since then, I still know I want a princess wedding. Anyone who really knows me, knows how much of a perfectionist I am and seem to think I am going to be a Bridezilla.

Me? A Bridezilla? Never. Okay, well maybe but not because I'm mean or anything, mainly because I want everything to be perfect. Yes, I do live in the real world and yes, I do understand that not everything will be perfect and go off without a hitch but a girl can hope can't she?

Well, before I keep rambling, I'm pretty sure the question on your mind is what the heck made this girl think about her wedding. Maybe you are asking that, maybe you're not, who knows? Well, I only started thinking about it because last night randomly, my boyfriend asked me if I'm ready to be Mrs. Johnson soon? Needless to say, I was taken back a little but super excited because that means he's thinking about it and somewhere in that adorable head of his, he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, lucky him. I'm just kidding, lucky me :) Anywhoo, I tried to contain my excitement and play it cool but inside I was like, "Aww, yay!" I was like, " Of course I am. How soon is soon? Soon as within ten years soon? Within five years soon? This year soon?"  All he kept saying is soon. It drove me nuts, but I'll accept it. I wouldn't want to rush it. For people who don't know us or our relationship that well, may think we are nuts. We have only OFFICIALLY been dating for four months this month but we have known each other for quite some time. As I mentioned in an earlier post, with him, I know it's forever. There is something different about him and the way he makes me feel. He is the one and only person I have ever loved and been in love with and honestly it does not terrify me one bit to spend the rest of my life with this man.

Knowing him, it will be over the top sweet. He makes everything a production from asking me to be his girlfriend to spontaneous date nights, he never ceases to amaze me and surprise me. I can't even imagine what his proposal would be like and I've told him before that when I am proposed to, I don't want anything cliché. I want something meaningful to both us that no one else really understands. Plan a picnic at the place where you held my hand for the very first time and ask me there; something like that. Something small and deeply meaningful. I can't help but feel happy because I can't imagine my future without him in it.

I hope wedding bells are in my near future. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


My family is the most important thing to me. At the end of the day, they are the only people I can count on to always be there for me. I will always and forever bend over backwards and be there for them. 

As I mentioned in my initial blog, my mother is no longer with me here on earth and she was a single mother raising my siblings and I. When she received her wings and joined the other angels in Heaven, she left me here with my sister, brother and their families; which do include three nieces and a nephew. They are my absolute world. I am closer to my sister, her two daughters and her husband since they live here and we spend a lot of time together.

Sometimes as we all grow older, we tend to move away and spread our wings sometimes leaving our families at a distance. In my case, that is not the situation. My sister is fourteen years older than me and she acts a little like the younger sister now, which honestly she is slightly entitled to. She spent most of her younger years helping my mom raise my brother and I. In my opinion, my mom and her did a job well done. Now that years are passing and her daughters are getting older and our mother is gone, she needs her sister. It's funny, she says to me she needs to see me at least once a week and if I don't call her for a few days, she acts like its been an eternity. Dramatic much? I love her to pieces that's why I always make time for her and her family or at least I try. At the end of the day, we only have each other and her and I are the only ones who understand certain things about our lives that no one else ever will, we share a bond that is undeniably close and filled with love.

Every Sunday is dedicated to my family. I relax a bit and do my own thing for the first half of the day and then off to Sunday dinner. I must admit, I am not a great, okay good cook by any means but as long as I have a recipe in front of me, I can attempt to be. Lately I have been "throwing down" in the kitchen, thanks to Pintrest so for the first time ever, I am hosting Sunday dinner. Actually I am hosting Sunday Funday for my family, my boyfriend's family and our closest friends. I am starting off easy, a barbecue and a relaxing day by the pool. I can't wait to show my family how I host a gathering.

All in all, just remember to make a phone call or go visit your family if you can. As crazy as they can be , no one will ever love you more than they do.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Two Years.

We all know that feeling of investing so much into something or somewhere and still feel like you're coming short. That's exactly how I am feeling lately. I have been working for this company for a three weeks short of two years and I put my all into everything I do and feel like I always take that extra step; however, my two year evaluation is coming up and I do not feel so great. I was pulled aside for a meeting with my direct supervisor last week and she basically said I've lost a bit of my willingness to help and my "peppiness." I almost feel hurt because I feel like I have fallen into a rut but have been trying extremely hard to pull myself out. She told me she was worried because my evaluation is coming up and that almost makes me feel like my job may be in jeopardy. It sucks because I have put so much into my position there and I know I can get out of this. I have been trying extra hard to get my pep back but I don't know how that is going. Hopefully, I find it soon and start kicking butt again.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just for Giggles

Work! Work, work, work, work, WORK! What can I say, I love what I do and there is never a dull moment. Yes, sometimes it can be a bit frustrating, well a lot frustrating but overall it could always be worse.

The company I work for is amazing, they appreciate their customers and employees also. I strongly support the things we do in our community and nationwide as well.

Like most jobs, it has its up and downs. We all have worked customer service and that is a huge part of my job and we all know, anything and everything happens; you just never know what to expect. Well, here's a little story that may make you giggle.

Let me start by saying I work for a moving company and no not moving furniture, trust me, you don't want me to move you personally. LOL! Anywho, I had a gentleman who I scheduled last year for a move and then he called back again this year to move again and he only wanted to talk to me. He bragged to my manager how great I was and yada, yada, yada. Well every time I speak with him, he just talks my ear off and it so happens we are both Guyanese and my mom and him were from the same hometown so you can only imagine. He requested the same movers from last year back out year and one of the movers out on his job was my boyfriend today. Apparently while they were out this guy was just talking about how helpful I was and how much he hopes I'm there for his move and one of the movers mentions that the lead out there is my boyfriend. So this customer was like "Oh, so you're Susan's boyfriend." Before they left, the customer told my boyfriend to tell me I have nice "coconuts." I was like what. People never cease to amaze me. Mind you this gentleman is seventy-three years old and has never seen me. My boyfriend was like, "so, he likes your coconuts? What does that even mean?" Honestly I have no idea but now that is the joke of the office.

Customers say the darndest things :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


We all get it, men and women...that fever. It becomes contagious and sooner or later almost everyone experiences it, BABY FEVER! Okay, so it's not the fever you guys were originally thinking but it's real, trust me, I have seen it. Especially lately. People I know who aren't ready for kids are catching it and it takes a bit to shake.

I will be honest, I have had many cases of it and right now it is especially hard because guess what? I've gotten it again. Usually it's easier to shake off but this time not so much, especially since my boyfriend has it too. Leaving kids around us is extremely dangerous because it sends our fevers through the roof. Everyone says you're never prepared for kids but I am not a hundred percent ready right now; although they melt my heart and make me want one so bad. Lately, it seems like there is something in the water in Altamonte because every where I look and everyone I know has a growing baby bump. Maybe I'm next or maybe even you.

One day though, I will have a little bundle of joy and hopefully cure this insane case of baby fever.